Guess Who's 30?!

Last week, I turned 30. A milestone I've looked forward to, well, since turning 20. My twenties started with a personal health crisis, and my thirties have started with a global health crisis. In my mind, my thirties were going to begin by getting wine drunk with my closest friends in Sonoma so I'm just putting that off until it's safe to do so. It was still a great birthday and I can't wait to get vaccinated and go see my friends. While 30 has started off on the right foot, I wouldn't have gotten here without figuring a few things out that I wanted to share.

Thirty Things I Learned Before 30

Show up for and support your people.

Volunteer to be the designated driver.

Really ask your friends how they're doing.

Surround yourself with people who want you to be better.

You don't need to accept everyone's opinion.

Be sure of your actions and words before you say them.

A coffee mug is the perfect drinking vessel.

Communication is only helpful if it's sincere.

Not everyone deserves your time.

Learn how to set boundaries and keep those boundaries.

Forgiveness is earned.

Conversations around a bonfire are the best.

Being loyal doesn't mean being a blind supporter.

You are your best advocate.

Asking for help is normal.

If someone shares something in confidence with you, keep it that way.

Learn how to spend time with yourself.

Find pleasure in doing things for fun.

Your work doesn't define who you are unless you let it.

If someone doesn't know you personally, don't take it personally.

It's worth spending a little more so you don't have to buy it twice.

Exercise is just as important for mental health as it is physical.

Not everyone will appreciate your honesty.

Adopt your pets.

Goals are important but not a life sentence.

Cutting yourself a break is necessary sometimes.

You don't always have to be nice, but you must be respectful.

Car rides are for loud music.

You don't have to stay in any situation you don't want to be in.

Salt and lemon juice go a long way in cooking.

I'm happy to be here, to be thirty and to have the world at my fingertips. I currently trying to update the blog and switch a few things around. I'm researching new cameras so I can take better pictures and have higher quality videos. It's a challenge, and at sometimes a struggle, but I do really like the next steps in this process.

Here's to more eating, more dinner parties, and more food hot takes that nobody asked for.

Happy aging and eating!



Samosa Strudel


Candy Cane Hot Chocolate Cubes