Hasselback Sweet Potato


I've been trying to incorporate more pictures into my blog posts, and my trusty iphone 7+ has been doing a great job. The one problem is my cat, Franklin. He's blind, very cute, and very food motivated. So when I'm taking photos, I'm definitely fighting him off in the background and he makes pretty frequent appearance behind food in the photos I post on instagram.

Even when the food isn't ready, he knows what's about to go down and needs to be right there. He's also ruined several of those cork trivets. It's a good thing he's cute.

So I was making these potatoes per request from my friend Kendra, and wanted to take a picture of the potato before it went into the oven, and OUT OF NOWHERE, Franklin runs right into the pan and all I captured was one live photo of potato that is mostly Franklin running past. So for this one, I only have the finished product because Franklin ruined the potatoes before they went into the oven.


These are super easy to make and are crispy, soft, and super flavorful. You can even make them in the toaster oven if you're big oven is being occupied. So here's my first side dish of Thanksgiving 2018. More to come soon!

Savory Hasselback Sweet Potatoes
2 sweet potatoes, washed
4 tbsp salted butter
6 sage leaves
2 stems rosemary
1 tbsp garlic powder
Salt & Pepper
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Take your sweet potatoes and cut slices about 1/8th inch thick and almost all the way to the bottom of the potato but not going all the way through.

Place the potatoes on a rimmed baking sheet lined with foil. Slice the butter as thin as possible and fill in some of the slices. Sprinkle with garlic powder, salt, pepper, and top with rosemary and sage. Drizzle with oil and place in the oven at 375 for 50-60 minutes until tender.


Cinnamon Sugar Bread Loaf


Scotcheroo Bars