Lemon Dill Salmon
If you're looking to eat healthier since the pandemic is slowly but surely coming to an end clap you hands *clap* *clap*

I realize that cooking seafood can be intimidating for a lot of people. It's weird. It's fishy. It can be incredibly expensive. And when times are tough, it's not like it is a viable option to go and get a weird protein that you've never made before because what if you mess it up?
Well, I am here to help! I'll admit that I wasn't always the biggest seafood fan. I was a vegetarian who reluctantly ate fish because I wasn't going to turn away a meal, I still lived at home, and I honestly had no concept of money. Often times the seafood was the infamous Pistachio Crusted Salmon or fish tacos. Now as a full-fledged adult who buys all of my own things, I do love to make seafood, especially an easy dish that will last a few days. This lemon dill salmon delivers. While not the most exciting thing to make, it always impresses me with its freshness, simplicity, and how good it truly is.
Cook along with me on my YouTube Channel where I make this same dish!
Lemon Dill Salmon
1lb-ish salmon filets, either portioned out or one large piece
vegetable oil
kosher salt
2 lemons, sliced into wheels
2 sprigs of dill, roughly chopped or torn
Preheat the oven to 375°F and line a baking sheet with foil.
Place salmon onto the prepared baking sheet. If using individual portions, space out evenly over the pan. If using one large piece, place in the middle. Lightly drizzle with oil. Evenly sprinkle a heavy pinch or two of kosher salt and pepper over the top of the salmon - if concerned with it being too salty, err on the side fo caution and salt once cooked. Place lemon wheels over the top of the salmon. Put the dill on top of the lemon wheels.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or until salmon is firm but flakey.
Serve immediately and store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Happy Eating!